
class Navigator(agent_id, action_set, algorithm='a_star', custom_algorithm_class=None, traversability_map_func=<function get_traversability_map>, algorithm_settings={'metric': 'euclidean'}, is_circular=False)

A navigator object that can be used for path planning and navigation.

agent_id: string

ID of the agent that wants to navigate through a grid world.

action_set: list

List of actions the agent can perform.

algorithm: string. Optional, default “a_star”

The path planning algorithm to use. As of now only A* is supported.

is_circular: bool (Default: False)

When True, it will continuously navigate given waypoints, until infinity.


This class still depends on the deprecated StateTracker instead of the new State. Note that the StateTracker is created from a state dictionary that can be obtained from a State instance. This is the current workaround to still make the Navigator work with the current State.

Another approach is to not use State at all, and only rely on a StateTracker. See the matrx.agents.agent_types.patrolling_agent.PatrollingAgentBrain which uses this approach.


add_waypoint(self, waypoint)

Adds a waypoint to the path.

add_waypoints(self, waypoints[, is_circular])

Adds multiple waypoints to the path in order.

get_all_waypoints(self, state_tracker)

Returns all current waypoints stored.

get_current_waypoint(self, state_tracker)

Returns the current waypoint the navigator will try to visit.

get_move_action(self, state_tracker)

Returns the next move action.

get_upcoming_waypoints(self, state_tracker)

Returns all waypoints not yet visited.


Resets all waypoints to not being visited.


Clears all waypoints to an empty Navigator.

__init__(self, agent_id, action_set, algorithm='a_star', custom_algorithm_class=None, traversability_map_func=<function get_traversability_map at 0x7fe3428fe5f0>, algorithm_settings={'metric': 'euclidean'}, is_circular=False)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(self, agent_id, action_set[, …])

Initialize self.

add_waypoint(self, waypoint)

Adds a waypoint to the path.

add_waypoints(self, waypoints[, is_circular])

Adds multiple waypoints to the path in order.

get_all_waypoints(self, state_tracker)

Returns all current waypoints stored.

get_current_waypoint(self, state_tracker)

Returns the current waypoint the navigator will try to visit.

get_move_action(self, state_tracker)

Returns the next move action.

get_upcoming_waypoints(self, state_tracker)

Returns all waypoints not yet visited.


Resets all waypoints to not being visited.


Clears all waypoints to an empty Navigator.
