
Module Contents

class LogActions(save_path='', file_name_prefix='', file_extension='.csv', delimeter=';')

Bases: matrx.logger.logger.GridWorldLogger

Logs per agent the action performed per tick

LOG_ON_LAST_TICK = log_last_tick

Log strategy to log on the first tick of a world.

LOG_ON_FIRST_TICK = log_first_tick

Log strategy to log every time a goal is reached or completed.

log(self, grid_world, agent_data)

The main method to be overwritten by your own logger class.

This method is called according to the log_strategy set when the logger was added the world builder. For more details on this see matrx.world_builder.WorldBuilder.add_logger().


The entire grid world instance. Use this to log anything you require to log from the grid world.


A dictionary of all data coming from all agents’ matrx.agents.agent_brain.get_log_data() methods. This dictionary has as keys the agent ids of all agents. As value there is the dictionary their log methods returned.


This method should return a dictionary where the keys are the columns and their value a single row. The keys (e.g., columns) should be always the same every consecutive call. If this is not the case an exception is raised.

property file_name(self)

Make the logger filename publicly available

class LogActionsV2(save_path='', file_name_prefix='', file_extension='.csv', delimeter=';')

Bases: matrx.logger.logger.GridWorldLoggerV2

Logs per agent the action performed per tick

LOG_ON_LAST_TICK = log_last_tick

Log strategy to log on the first tick of a world.

LOG_ON_FIRST_TICK = log_first_tick

Log strategy to log every time a goal is reached or completed.

log(self, world_state, agent_data, grid_world)

The main method to be overwritten by your own logger class.

This method is called according to the log_strategy set when the logger was added the world builder. For more details on this see matrx.world_builder.WorldBuilder.add_logger().


The entire world state as a State object. Use this to quickly find and locate data you want to log.


A dictionary of all data coming from all agents’ matrx.agents.agent_brain.get_log_data() methods. This dictionary has as keys the agent ids of all agents. As value there is the dictionary their log methods returned.


The entire grid world instance. Use this to log anything not included into the state, such as the messages send between agents.


This method should return a dictionary where the keys are the columns and their value a single row. The keys (e.g., columns) should be always the same every consecutive call. If this is not the case an exception is raised.

property file_name(self)

The file name the loggers writes data to.